Children Experience Trauma

You can make a difference.

Learning trauma-informed care can help children heal and break the cycle of intergenerational trauma.

Complex Trauma is when a child experiences abandonment, neglect, and repeated abuse, starting when they were very young and from the people who were supposed to keep them safe.

Trauma Changes Everything

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Brain Development

Memory, emotions, judgment, development, living in “fear brain”
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Body & Biology

Growth, illness, sensory sensitivities, genetic expression
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Belief Systems

Guilty, damaged, powerless, worthless
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Unpredictable, disruptive, antisocial

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Unable to trust or create healthy relationships

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Complex trauma impacts so much that traditional methods of parenting, teaching and interacting often don’t work. However, there are specific interventions and approaches, known as trauma-informed care, that can change a child’s life. Training everyone, everywhere in these new ways is the key to creating a trauma free world.

We want to train everyone, so children everywhere can truly heal from trauma.

Healing is happening.

See more stories of life change here or click here to find out how you and your organization can benefit from trauma training.


There are 2 billion children in the world. 1 billion experience the effects of trauma. One out of every two children! But there are also 5 billion adults in the world who can rally around them. We’re partnering with individuals, families, and organizations all around the world to end the epidemic of childhood trauma. Join us!

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May is National Foster Care Month, give a gift card and help a foster parent become trauma-informed.