Trauma-Informed Care Can Help Hospitality Industry Attract and Retain Employees

Jacob BastienAssistant General ManagerThe Golden Lamb Inn “By operating with an understanding of how past trauma can impact individuals today, we can be a positive force in our immediate community.” In the past, the hospitality industry as a whole has garnered a reputation for harboring toxic leadership, fostering dysfunctional work environments, and contributing to self-destructive […]
Trauma Free World partners with Cru

Marcia Post Team Leader of Kentuckiana Cru People Care Coordinator, Campus Ministry Cohorts 9 & 11 Trauma awareness is increasingly becoming a necessity in order to serve and teach others Trauma awareness is increasingly becoming a necessity in order to serve and teach others in our missional context appropriately. To holistically disciple a student in the campus […]
Trauma Free World partners with 91 Place

Jill Osikowicz, from 91 Place Equipping mentors to help homeless youth heal from trauma Who is 91 Place? 91 Place is a home for homeless youth, with community, relationships, and a familial environment at its core. We aim to be a safe place for homeless youth to live, grow, and thrive. Residents are adolescents transitioning […]
Trauma Free World partners with Joshua’s Place

Engaging the families we work with from a trauma informed care approach has promoted deeper healing and transformation. Who is Joshua’s Place? Joshua’s Place is a non profit organization in Warren County Ohio. Joshua’s Place exists to help individuals and families overcome the barriers in their lives that cause instability. What do you do? […]
The Great Resignation is Sparking a Renaissance in Leadership

Employees are demanding better responses to mental health needs and work-life balance and, as a result, savvy leaders are overhauling their approach to employee wellness. Smart leaders are responding to mental health Are you wanting to create a high-retention, high-performance, work culture? Who isn’t?! Now, more than ever, it’s critical to have a leadership team […]
How Coaches Can Build More Resilient Teams

In athletics it’s often the off-season that really makes the difference for in-season success. Getting stronger. Building skill. Making adjustments. Updating strategy. Reinforcing culture. Team culture is the x-factor Most coaches will tell you that a resilient and positive team culture is often the X-factor that makes a difference between winning and losing. It inspires […]
School Mental Health Initiatives Don’t Deliver

Talking about Schools and Mental Health In early March of this year one of my favorite education websites – – published an opinion piece, Schools and Educators Are Uniquely Positioned to Support Students’ Mental Health. Here Are 7 Things They Can Do. For those who find themselves immersed in the current discussion about schools […]
Run a team meeting where everyone can engage

It may seem surprising, but your team meetings could be getting derailed by wounds that are decades old! 70% of adults and 50% of kids have experienced trauma, which, even years later, can fire up the fear brain and shut down the thinking brain. When people’s thinking brain shuts down they have more difficulty with […]
One of the most helpful skills —Active Listening

ACTIVE LISTENING Active listening is one of the most helpful skills we can utilize to help someone involved in active or recent trauma. When we listen to someone, we help carry the weight of their story with them. Studies show that listening to someone’s story is powerfully healing because it reduces anxiety and removes its […]
Processing a Traumatic Event

We have been getting calls from our Affiliate Trainers in Eastern Europe looking for tools to help volunteers and organizations that are trying to help people traumatized from the war in the Ukraine. We also have recently been working with a community of people who were affected by the Oxford High School shooting last year […]
The Call We Didn’t Want to Get.

In every business there are partnerships and clients you don’t want. And, let’s be honest, Trauma Free World is no different. But, perhaps, our reasons might be a bit different than yours. Case in point, a partnership we’re building right now – one we didn’t want – is with Kensington Church, a multi-site church in […]